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Privacy Features for Clubs

Using Privacy Features for Clubs

Privacy control is one of the most important features of RideCache, and those privacy controls can be used in conjunction with Clubs to provide RideCache users with the ability to share information specifically with other club members, but not with the general public.

Setting your Personal Privacy You always have full control over who sees your name and contact information in RideCache. You can manage those settings in the Privacy menu.

Setting your Vehicle Privacy You can make your vehicle completely private, but of course if you do that, even other club members will not be able to see anything about your vehicle. If you set your top level vehicle privacy to “Riders Only”, you can effectively restrict visibility of all RideCache data to be visible only to those you approve as Riders. The only exception will be your vehicle name, description and main profile picture - these things will be visible to the public so that people (including other club members) can find your vehicle and request to be “Riders”.

Using "Riders Only" Privacy When another club member requests to be a Rider in your vehicle, you will need to approve them in RideCache to let them see data you have designated as “Riders Only”. This may include things such as important tasks, parts, receipts, pictures, etc. When you have a pending “Rider Request” – it will appear in the upper right hand portion of the RideCache screen as a number on the notifications icon (bell). Click that icon and you will see a list where you can approve (or reject) Rider Requests.

Default Privacy Settings  You also have full control over the default settings for the creation of new items (can set these to be Riders Only for example, if you only want club members to see these by default). You can set your privacy defaults on the Privacy page in the menu.

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