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Archiving important papers

The papers associated with your vehicle are some of the most valuable and precious items connected to your vehicles – and they will be highly valued by future owners. Many of these are currently stored in drawers, file cabinets and binders. Some are proudly displayed at events and car shows. But all are susceptible to loss or damage due to aging, theft, fire, flood or some other natural disaster. Like most other important paper documents, it is critical to digitally archive these records in a secure manner. Here is a guide to archiving the important papers associated with your vehicle in RideCache.
  1. Gather your information
    • Spend some time thinking about all of the important (or even sentimental) papers associated with your vehicle. Papers like titles, registration, insurance, appraisals, bill of sale are obvious. But also gather things like window stickers, advertisements, brochures, personal letters – anything on paper that you would be disappointed to lose and the next owner would appreciate having.
    • You will need to scan these papers using a scanner if you have one, and store them on your computer so you can import them into RideCache. Alternately, you can just take pictures of the documents with your smartphone or digital camera, but the results are not typically as good as a scan.
    • Don’t forget about papers that you may already have in digital form. These could include email copies of important receipts, appraisals, personal emails, etc.
  2. Create the Paper record in RideCache
    • There are two steps to archiving your papers in RideCache. The first involves creating an actual record of the paper.
    • Go to the Papers tab on your RideCache vehicle page and click “Add New Paper” button to open the New Paper form.
    • Choose the appropriate paper type and add a description for the paper. Depending on the paper type, you may have some additional fields available to further describe the paper (dates, numbers, etc). These are optional, but fill in what you can.
    • Papers are “Private” by default, but change this privacy setting if you wish to share this paper with others.
  3. Upload and attach the digital version of the paper
    • The second step to archiving your papers in RideCache is attaching a digital version of the paper itself as an attachment to the paper record.
    • Click the green “Add Attachment” button to upload the digital copy of the paper.
    • When you are finished, click the “Save New Paper” button.

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