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Setting up and using notifications for tasks, parts, papers

RideCache has a very powerful notifications feature that will help you keep track of usage for critical tasks, parts and papers – using either time based or distance based measures – or both. These notifications can be applied to routine, regular maintenance items such as oil changes and tire rotations, but can also be used to remind you of usage limits for parts such as tires, brakes and batteries, as well as expiration of important papers such as insurance, registration and warranties.
  • RideCache notification Levels – RideCache provides notifications at 3 different levels, all of which can be defined by the user for each notification:
    1. Nudge – this is the “early warning” level – designed to just provide you a first “nudge” that an item is nearing its defined end of life. Items with a “nudge” notification will show up in your notification summaries with a yellow flag.

    2. Warn – this is the “normal warning” level – designed to trigger at the point where you would normally decide to take action before an item might fail or expire. Items with a “warn” notification will show up in your notification summaries with an orange flag.

    3. Urgent – this is the “urgent” or critical warning level – designed to trigger when an item has reached a critical or dangerous usage level, or has already expired (in the case of a paper). Items with an “urgent” notification will show up in your notification summaries with a red flag.

    4. For notifications where everything is good, you will see a green flag.

    5. You can tell RideCache how often to send you Notification summaries by email for all of your vehicles on your preferences page. You can also tell RideCache at what level you would like immediate notification – Nudge, Warn or Urgent – and how often to send email reminders for those.

  • Setting notifications for recurring maintenance tasks.
    1. Navigate to the task list for your desired vehicle and click the orange bar to “Create New Task”, then complete the task form as you normally would and check the box for “Recurring Task” to enable RideCache to automatically create a new copy of this task upon completion, then save the task.
    2. Click on the newly created task from the list to open it, then scroll down to the notifications section. Check the box next to either Time or Distance to open the notification settings for those measures. Typically, you will want to choose either Time or Distance for the notification type, but there are some cases where you may want to set both. For example, if you have a vehicle that is rarely driven, you may want to set both a distance based notification for 15K miles and a time based notification for 5 years – so you can change the tires when either expires.
    3. For time based notifications, enter the allotted time and units for the task and the starting date from which you want RideCache to measure. For distance based notifications, enter the allotted distance and units for the task and the starting distance from which you want RideCache to measure.
    4. Choose you nudge, warn and urgent notification percentages and enter those. RideCache will calculate and show you the resulting calculations below these fields so you can fine tune these settings to your preferences.
    5. Be sure to click the “Save Notification Settings” button to save your settings for time and/or distance. If you set both – you need to save them both individually.
    6. Now add your pictures and associated parts, providers and papers to the task as you normally would. The parts and providers will be copied over exactly as they are to the new task once you mark this one complete. The notes and papers, which are likely to be specific to an instance of the task – like a dated receipt – will not be copied to the new task. Also note that only the profile picture from the original task will be copied.
    7. Close the task window when you are finished.
    8. When you are ready to complete the task, simply click the green “recurring” completion icon. The current task will be marked complete (at the current date and/or estimated mileage) and the new task will be created with the same information and a status of “to-do”.
  • Setting notifications for parts and papers - you can also set notifications directly on any part or paper. The notification form works as described above allowing you to set time and/or distance notifications. If you would like for RideCache to automatically create a task for you based on a certain notification level, check that box and select the appropriate warning level. Then click “Save Notification Settings” to save your settings.

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