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Deciding how much to enter in your RideCache

Depending on the age of your vehicle and the amount of records you have kept (or inherited from previous owners), you will have some choices to make regarding how much you choose to preserve in RideCache. RideCache does not impose any limits on the number of tasks, parts, papers, events or pictures you can create and preserve – so the choice is really yours. A good guideline is to consider the perspective of a future owner – what would he/she appreciate having as a part of the RideCache record for the vehicle. Here are 3 possible scenarios from which you might choose:

  1. Ultimate – Preserve everything (The future owner will love you!)
    • Enter a detailed vehicle description and upload a full set of vehicle “beauty shots”
    • Enter every routine maintenance as a task along with associated receipts and providers
    • Enter every major and minor task or project with detailed associated parts, papers and providers
    • Enter every individual part and associate them with corresponding tasks
    • Document every event with date, location, description and pictures
    • Include detailed notes on everything
    • Archive all papers (bill of sale, title, authenticity, appraisal, receipts, letters, marketing materials, etc)
    • Upload lots of pictures for every task, part, event – all organized by vehicle, tasks, parts, events - and include meaningful captions.

  2. Nicely Done – Preserve the most important stuff
    • Enter a detailed vehicle description and upload a full set of vehicle “beauty shots”
    • Enter routine maintenance and repairs as tasks if you have the records, but don’t create associated parts or load receipts
    • Enter every major task or project with detailed associated parts, papers and providers
    • Enter major parts and associate them with corresponding tasks
    • Document significant events with date, location, description and pictures
    • Archive all important papers (bill of sale, title, authenticity, appraisal, etc)
    • Enter notes for significant activities or memories

  3. Minimalist – Just the basics
    • Add the basic vehicle description and some pictures
    • Document any major projects or restorations as high level tasks (ie. engine rebuild)
    • Archive just the most important papers (original bill of sale, title, authenticity certificates, appraisals, etc)

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