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Adding multiple parts from a Vendor Invoice (paid accounts only)

When you purchase parts from a parts store or online source, you can easily add those parts to your RideCache parts listing by using the “Add Multiple Parts” button. This saves the time of creating each part individually and associating the vendor and receipt with each. The Add Multiple Parts form does that work for you.

Before you use the Add Multiple Parts form, you should

  • Make a digital copy of the invoice. You can do this by “printing to PDF” from your email program if you received an email copy of the receipt, scanning a paper version of the invoice to a PDF file using a scanner, or taking a digital picture of the invoice with your digital camera or mobile device
  • Add the Vendor or part supplier as a new Resource in your RideCache if they are not already entered.

 To get started, click the “Add Multiple Parts from Invoice” button found in the Parts tab.

1.    Invoice Info. Add information about the invoice itself by selecting the Vendor or parts provider from the drop down list of your RideCache resources, adding the invoice date and invoice number and using the “Add Attachment” button to upload a digital copy of the invoice.

2.    Add Parts. In the next section you can add one or more parts that should be associated with this specific service or task.  

a.    The part form will automatically use your current vehicle as the vehicle assigned for each part, but if you have parts for multiple vehicles on a single invoice, you can choose a different vehicle for each individual part using the drop down list provided.

b.    Use the new part forms provided to add your first two parts. Complete the form by adding the part model # and description. Then select the part Category, Sub-Category and Brand from the drop down lists or add your own in the boxes below the drop down lists. Finally, add the quantity and unit cost of the parts.

c.    If you need to add more than 2 parts from this invoice, click the “Add Part” button to create as many additional parts as needed.

3.    Save the Invoice. When you are done entering the information for this service or task, click the “Save Invoice” button. RideCache will then process the invoice information you have provided and automatically create the associated Task, Parts and Paper. 

4.    Edit Items. You may want to go back in and edit the items created to add more details, add images or correct any errors made during entry. You can do that by finding the newly created items in the tab lists and editing them individually as normal.

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